5 Crypto Trends To Watch In 2024

  I recently watched an awesome AMA with Stef Wynendaele, VP of Market-Making at Keyrock, a leading liquidity provider in the crypto space. During the AMA, Stef shared some cool insights into the latest trends shaping the future of crypto. Here's a rundown of the big stuff: Credit Markets: Capital Efficiency Unleashed The development of decentralized lending protocols like Aave is revolutionizing the way we borrow and lend crypto assets. These protocols allow users to access capital without the need for intermediaries, making it easier and more efficient to manage their finances. Example: Aave is a decentralized lending protocol that allows users to borrow and lend crypto assets without intermediaries. https://app.aave.com/ Interchain Communication: Bridges to a Unified Blockchain Universe Interchain communication protocols are bridging the gap between different blockchains, creating a more unified and interconnected ecosystem. This allows users to seamlessly transfer assets across

Shiba Inu (SHIB) AMA Recap with Guarda Community



David from Guarda: The first question is: could you tell us about DAO and how will that system apply to SHIB?

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: OK, this is a hard question to answer. In particular because the DAO is still being prepared and designed. But it is a big focus of the development at this moment. What I can say is that the DAO does not have a particular influence on SHIB itself but on proposals of the community that can be carried out by the current code. It’s first big feature will be to allow new tokens to be listed on our swap platform, but other functions are not announced yet. Sadly we will have to wait to know how it can affect SHIB itself. One important thing I have to mention is if it was possible to affect SHIB itself via voting, nothing can pass if it affects the long term sustainability of the ecosystem.

David from Guarda: Interesting! Can’t wait to see it when it is released!

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: Soon™.


Greg from Guarda: Nice! I’ve got one of the most popular questions. What are the main differences between $SHIB and $DOGE?

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: Great question! If you ask me - use case and the community. The SHIB army is over 900,000 holders strong (according to etherscan). DOGECOIN was created as a joke, a complete meme - our goal is to be the opposite. The development team launched the ShibaSwap Decentralized Exchange (DEX) in July of 2021. In addition to $SHIB, we have $LEASH which acts as our store of value, and $BONE which is the governance token of ShibaSwap. Also, We are also developing Shibarium, an actual blockchain, to minimize the fees associated with making transactions, and going beyond by building a ShibaNet “market place” - my personal label for it. ShibaNet will allow people to list goods and services available for purchase and customers to pay in the SHIB family of tokens.

TL;DR: For most crypto people have to ask what the use case is and what you can buy with it. I want people to ask “What can’t you buy with it?!”…

Greg from Guarda: So, you don’t consider SHIB as a meme coin?.. I’m asking because it seems like there are more SHIB memes than DOGE memes!

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: Meme coin… haha, of course, everyone goes back to the originating factor of what our ecosystem truly became. Starting as a meme coin but evolving into a truly decentralized ecosystem. I don’t consider SHIB a meme coin. I will say the meme crypto culture has really evolved the way we see crypto communities as well, and for us community means everything.

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: I do not consider SHIB a meme token anymore. We have moved past that by exploiting the features that only the power of the ETH network can provide. But. I am happy to know that we started from it. And from time to time I like to embrace that aspect of the token and the community. This is the fun part.

David from Guarda: 900,000 - that is beyond impressive! Since memes were mentioned, would you agree that meme language is what holds your community together?

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: I think memes are now part of the crypto culture. Though, I believe we are beyond the speculation of what holds the community together being just a meme element. In essence we see it with SHIB, organically it has evolved into an ecosystem, with many upcoming acknowledgements, utilities along the way and that is what truly holds us together. It is also an opportunity to showcase the world that decentralization is here to stay in this space. In the end, I believe we are beyond the context of memes, I think the crypto industry is now fulfilling a new evolutionary process and memes have become part of that very foundation. I heard yesterday someone hashtag #memeseason! In addition to altcoin season! ⚙️🛰

David from Guarda: #memeseason all day, every day!


Greg from Guarda: Thank you! And as for Shibarium there was a question from Steph. What is Shibarium and when shibarium is launched, will it be in competition with Ethereum? Can shibarium be used by other projects more economically than Ethereum? Could this drive the price of $SHIB?

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: More than price we are interested in seeing an increase in adoption. See, we literally barely talk about the price itself. We like to focus on the reach of SHIB. This in my opinion also drives the price and interest up. If we reach more people, more people want to participate, and we have 2 ways of reaching them. By just doing memes and fun activities: the pure fun and social aspect. But the other is a technical base that allows us to offer more possibilities to the holders. We try to make progress on both aspects and Shibarium is one big step for giving the users of Shib more ways to use their tokens in a cheap way too.

Greg from Guarda: Thanks for the answer about Shibarium! Being a crypto wallet we always look for more possibilities as well!

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: Crypto is about people. And the tech that supports all this, but users, in our case the Shibarmy, is the center of all.


Greg from Guarda: Let’s now get to LEASH as this AMA is not only about SHIB! And the 3rd prize will be awarded in LEASH. ​​Here is a question from KroosMasta.anon: “Just seeing $LEASH for the first time…..what exactly is it’s connection with $SHIB?”

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: I’ll take the answer given by Shytoshi Kusama for this! With a total supply of around 107,000 tokens LEASH provides exclusivity as it is held by the most “hard core fans of the SHIB ecosystem”. Leash is and will be used to offer exclusive early access to exclusive items. One example of this was our Shiboshi NFT sale! Make sure to watch for details on upcoming announcements. When it comes to connection, I think all the tokens in the ecosystem showcase true integrity of always supporting SHIB, at heart everything revolves around SHIB and its foundation.

Greg from Guarda: Sounds interesting we certainly need to learn more about it as Guarda is a part of its ecosystem. SHIB and LEASH are available for purchase and exchange.

David from Guarda: Didn’t the first drop sell out in minutes?

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: Absolutely, approx 35 minutes.

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: I have to mention. We made friendly bets in the team about the time required for Shiboshis to sell out. No one got it right!

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: I really tried to guess it!

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: We didn’t know what to expect and the gas war that day was something else with lots of failed transactions.

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: It was off by 10 minutes. I said 25. ❤️ Haha.

David from Guarda: So close!

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: If I recall correctly I think I said like 20 mins

Greg from Guarda: Sounds like fun!

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: Super close, ShibInformer!

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: I changed my mind several times :)

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: I did too, gosh. Haha. Hard guess!

Greg from Guarda: Can we take part in the competition? 🙂

David from Guarda: I would too. Next drop?

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: Hard to know,the focus has moved now to other aspects and also, we had a learning experience watching this first event unfold!

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: If I may mention…when it comes to this originating drop, Opensea and Rarity tools have set such a standard.

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: I can say safely that for many users (those who could not get their Shiboshis) it was not a good experience.

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: The ETH floor for each SHIBOSHI continues to increase.

David from Guarda: I would imagine!

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: Agreed. I was one of those users! Haha. I was not able to get one on release day.

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: But those who got them, well, as Milkshake says, they certainly have a good profit if they want to sell.


David from Guarda: Neat! Shall we talk about games?

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: Yay! Yes, let’s talk about gaming.

Greg from Guarda: Here are 2 questions for you. A general one and a one which is more specific: Full Heleno Is it true that SHIB will be listed in some games? Ismael Hesman Are there plans to release more than one game in the future? Are you contemplating or are you planning to contemplate collaborations with companies in the video game industry? Such as releasing a Shiba Inu skin in Fortnite or seeing Shiba Inu in the next Super Smash.

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: Great question - To my knowledge there hasn’t been any internal discussion of more than one video game. I think just like with movies, if the original does well and there’s demand for a second one…well…“Never say never!” As far as collaborating with companies (game related or otherwise) - I believe our team is willing to hear any ideas / proposals! (woof@shibatoken.com) But what I’ve heard so far from the gaming aspect, and the studio that’s been secured, is that we are in for an incredible release.

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: We have a separate effort for gaming but it’s still in formation. That is from my side. Sometime ago I organized a ROCKET league tournament with interesting prizes that was the proof of concept that we can actually make gaming related activities. Shytoshi also have his own gaming related effort, with the Shiboshis. Recently he announced that AAA level game studio is working on this.

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: Yes, it’s a heavy effort, since it won’t be just like any other game, and securing the AAA Gaming studio was crucial for this.

Greg from Guarda: ROCKET league tournament with so many competitions from Shiba! Still want to take part, guys!

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: That tournament was amazing, so many talented gamers! Also, I’d like to mention that the prizes and NFT’s created by artist fauxcondor were incredible.

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: Yes it was very fun,we had newbies and world champions playing in there!


David from Guarda: Here is one question from Tusker (great question if you ask me!). “Does the Shiba team get enough rest? Perfect with releases and marketing regularly. It’s not that easy to get into the top 10 without hard work. But I think some of you are working 24/7!” There is so much happening, and you guys always deliver!

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: Oooff! Just last night the community was telling me to go to sleep, on Twitter.

David from Guarda: You know you are doing something right when the community cares about your sleep schedule…

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: Well, we deliver, true, although some things take time. It all depends on a task.

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: I can speak for myself and also some of the energy of the team. It’s constant, never ending, but it’s important to take breaks and rest. There are many involved in providing updates and showcasing the energy of this ecosystem.. On my end, I try to schedule posts, and find out information, but in this ever evolving and rapid environment it’s sometimes hard to catch all of the updates and happenings of the tokens, and ShibaSwap platform.

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: We are a decentralized team so it is not like we can “order” someone to do something.

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: This is why I go back to what makes us great. The community, worldwide, the amazing establishment of commitment from them to showcase the love for the process and evolution of SHIB. Lastly, It’s important to rest, and take time to be with family and loved ones, and also some self care! I like to listen to music, do yoga, and go running to ease the mind at times from all the amazing energy!

…Came back just to share an upcoming event for December 11th with a Professional Filipino Boxer that will wear the ShibArmy colors in his upcoming fight!


Greg from Guarda: Yeah and now you are taking part in our AMA which is really appreciated! Thank you! Nevertheless, we’re running out of time a bit so these questions about the future of Shiba can be the last ones from social networks. Akhil Do the shiba team plan to reduce the total supply by burning shiba in the future? Maro What’s the first thing you would like people to think of in the future when SHIB is mentioned to them?

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: Maro’s question and my answer: A decentralized crypto community that evolved a vibrant ecosystem and broke all records.A token that today has multiple utility and is massively adopted worldwide.. And let me answer now Akhil’s…side, perhaps ShibInformer can add more. The total number and supply will be reduced, yes or yes. Earlier this year I worked very hard to produce a “relationshib” with NowPayments to find utility in the use case of SHIB and LEASH while introducing burning mechanics… Everything the team does now, focuses on an approach to reduce supply and burn tokens. It’s what the community wants. The team can only onboard utility and mechanics that function in a burn. 🔥

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: We did not want to burn first. It was not just part of the vision to keep burning. But we have heard from the community.

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: This way the token grows in a healthy factor. Listings do its job as well, SHIBOSHIS with the name change, but most importantly our own community is helping reduce the supply by burning tokens. This alone proceeds into a great future when it comes to reduction.

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: Now, massive burns are impossible. We can not just burn 80% of the tokens. These have owners. But! We have provided methods of burning and we keep studying more. We want the burns to be related to user activity, to be triggered when things happen. These burns are not massive but in time they will be important. The community also performs their own burnings, because they want to,not because we do them.

David from Guarda: I have to ask: have you met Elon Musk?

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: Haha, neat question, and no.



Ryan Rye: Shib Informer, your article on the circulating SHIB supply issue with CMC seems clear, but for the audience and participants knowledge, can you clarify whether the #SHIBAINU Team and Certik actually confirmed the supply during the audit? If so, what are your thoughts on CMC’s report on SHIB’s CS?

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: Can not answer that part since I am not a developer and hence didn’t interact with Certik’s team. But it is safe to assume that everyone takes CMC as the golden source in practice. No one questions them.

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: I can’t answer this either, I just know it’s crazy to see the acknowledgement CMC did when the token was in its evolution and max altitude of performance. I am sure the devs are in the acknowledgement of this, but what CMC did has me completely shocked pending the fact that it’s been the same metric for months. Also in addition, I’d like to call out the fact of CMC not being able to accurately respond to where they got the tracking figures from. First claiming a bug, then claiming accuracy. This to me sounds extremely odd.

iDavidOSHI: Thank you very much! I would like to ask: why did ShibInformer retweet yesterday about $WOOFWORK & $xFUND and why is it important to the Shib Ecosystem?

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: Projects will want to apply and form part of the upcoming Shibarium network. We see XFUND and other projects develop synergies to construct technologies surrounding such. In the end Shibarium will be massive and focus even more adoption processes to onboard and secure the evolution of the ecosystem. Yet, any claim at this time is sustainable to the factor which is: Shibarium is not yet released, onboarding processes are not committed, therefore we are excited to see the interest from other projects keen an eye on the future of SHIB’s evolution.

Chris Reynolds: A positive catalyst could help save shib from greater loss…are there any hopes of Shiboshis or Shibarium launching soon?

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: Shibarium is being worked on. In the release of SHIBOSHIS I made a big statement. We need the Shibarium more than ever. ❤️ I think this will solve a lot of problems and allow us to grow beyond.

$yRandxxxx: I’ve been reading the WoofPaper several times, and these statements get my attention as a “mystery” that needs to be unlocked. What makes SHIBA INU token unique among all other CRYPTO “as it could ever be by itself”? And why Shiba lnu “will out-perform, outlast, and outshine every crypto which attempts to emulate It”? What does this all mean?

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: It is all related to the strength of the community. The original thesis was that aligned interests in the holders community will be enough to enable things to be built around that. That has always been the focus. We try to encourage and not get in the way of the projects that people start around SHIB. Damn, even projects around SHIBARIUM are launching and it is not even finished development first!

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: Those projects already wanted in Shibarium are getting in-line with the element of our evolution. I can’t wait to see this foundation and reality. Again, the community asks, what’s in store to keep the momentum going, how are we different from Doge. Those are the synergies being worked on to scale and transition into the future.

IllusionBrigade: I Can’t Wait for the Shibaruim Release!! Question: If the Shibaruim already there.. is SHIB remaining ERC20? Right now many of us are having trouble with too much Gas fees.. or do we move to our SHIBARUIM MAINNET?

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: We don’t know much about Shibarium yet, but I can safely say, regardless of us being an ERC-20 token it will repair the fee structure massively and award a collective approach to everything in turn to the ecosystem. ShibaSwap being one of them. Imagine super low fees, and the DEX performance.

John Johnson: Will SHIBARIUM be a token similar to ETH?

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: SHIBARIUM will not be a token. If you find a SHIBARIUM token being sold, beware!!! It is probably a scam.

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: Yes, please be safe and aware of scammers!! and scam tokens! There is no SHIBARIUM token. What’s next, Shibarium Inu? LOL


M: There have been rumours that Shiba Inu might be accepted in payment by Tesla. How true is it?

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: It was discovered in the payment code structure that Tesla had the word SHIBA in its .js structure. It was later removed, there is nothing claiming Tesla will or will not take SHIB as form of payment, therefore nothing confirmed. We hope to see many us SHIB as a form of payment.


Darren Blanchard: In terms of crypto mining and the upcoming demand for coal, and how does this influence SHIB?

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: ETH is moving from an energy-expensive method of validation towards cheaper ones. I think this issue is on the right path. The use cases of the blockchain can easily replace some current institutions that require brick and mortar buildings.


Dot Dot: I have a question, it’s possible to delete another zero without support from Robinhood or Kraken?🎈

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: If the SHIBArmy does push for it, I think it could be possible! In the team we have influence, but only to a certain level. Milkshake and I are 2 influencers into the team, but in reality the influencers themselves act on their own and have their own massive following. They are the ones that make SHIB succeed or fail.

Awad: Will shiba reach $0.1 with the SHIBARIUM?

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: 0.1 and market cap are a hard question. And my short answer. 0.1 is not possible in the current economic scenario. But in a scenario where fully decentralized tokens and ecosystems drive the global economy, I am talking about a full shift to crypto, the possibilities are different. Yes, it is futurology, but we look to the future. 0.1 not possible in the current economic framework. Can it be possible in a market where all is crypto? We need to reach that to know!

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: I think with all the use-case and evolution of processes, utility, and burn mechanics, we could see a bright future for the current market cap and framework changing. It’s a beautiful sight though the 0.1 dream. Haha.

Greg from Guarda: Actually I really want to ask you about the factors anyway I think that’s the info for the next AMA!

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: I think that’s a great segway to perhaps another invitation to an AMA… I want to thank Guarda Wallet and its community for inviting us here today. Extremely professional, fun, and energetic. Thank you for your time today, and I want to thank each one of you for making crypto adoption processes a reality, even more so, supporting our beloved SHIB ecosystem. Together we are united.

David from Guarda: As Michael Scott would say: ARIGATO!

Greg from Guarda: Thank you so much!

David from Guarda: Together we are united indeed.

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: Thanks for the invitation! These last weeks have been crazy, and I am sure that in time we will be talking about another set of news :D. In SHIB things happen fast… Thanks to the community for the questions!

Greg from Guarda: It’s so true! We even didn’t start to discuss $BONE and probably that could be one of the next assets available on Guarda. So next time!

David from Guarda: We want to thank everyone who joined us today!


Greg from Guarda: We do not give financial advice anyway what are those factors which affect the SHIB price. It seems you wanted to mention something. ShibInformer?

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: The factors that affect SHIB’s price! For sure it is related to interest by the public. And you can attract interest in different ways. However this can only reach so far. Technological aspects are going to be more relevant as time passes. At some moment, people will start taking SHIB for granted, they will get used to us. I doubt many people think about the sidewalk they use, but they still use it all the time.

Greg from Guarda: Technological aspects are so important you are right. Will you have a roadmap available to all the community?

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: Our public roadmap is this for now: SHIBARIUM, a Stable Coin, and a platform to enable mass use of SHIB as payment. However, some other actors are covering some of these. Which is great! The more decentralized the better. Can you imagine only the SHIBA team doing things around the ecosystem? It won’t be as dynamic as it is now. They are a separate team from us.

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: Community is everything. They build the future.

Greg from Guarda: Yeah, I suppose Milkshake is right, community is everything. They spread the word!


David from Guarda: Anything else you would like to add?

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: Only advice that I got from a better trader than me. “When you sell, be sure that it makes you happy”!

David from Guarda: That is an amazing piece of advice, I have to say! Anything we should add, Greg?

Greg from Guarda: …Can I ask you a tricky question? Why do members of the SHIB team cover their faces with images? Is there any hidden sense?

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: Yes! Well, I have MY reasons to do that. Others might have other reasons. This might sound a bit extreme, but when I use this account I “unperson” myself. I am just filling a role in the system. I try to leave my ego out, which is sometimes hard. If I used my real name, that would be even harder. For that reason, if I ever leave, I will pass the account to someone else to make use of it.

Greg from Guarda: I see, that’s quite smart!

David from Guarda: Wish we had more time! I have never seen that many Sailor Moon memes before but I love it!

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: Lol… ok i try not to use memes in my posts, but if i did it would probably be about Dragon Ball. I am from SouthAmerica and DB is huge here! You can find graffiti of DB in our cities, it’s pretty frequent.

David from Guarda: Had to make it. Make sure to screenshot for later!

ShibInformer from Shiba Inu: Have to leave now. Lol, yeah, it’s great!

Milkshake from Shiba Inu: Until the next time Guarda Community!

Greg from Guarda: For sure! We’ll be waiting for you!

Thank you for joining us today! Let’s keep in touch and we’ll be waiting for great news from Shiba!


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